Monday, March 21, 2016

How Funky Monkeys shows our PRIDE

 P.R.I.D.E is  (Participation, Respect, Integrity, Determination, Empathy)

We show pride in room 15 in many ways,

- PRIDE wall, if a child has been caught in class showing one of our school values they go on to the wall on the colour of the pride they displayed (this can be done anytime during learning time).  The class acknowledges the behaviour and congratulate the student.

- The second example of following the school pride is our window display.  In the display children have stood in front of a PRIDE sign on the field fences that they feel they want to develop.   On these poster the children have also stated a learning goal that they want to achieve.


  1. What an awesome way of showing PRIDE in your class Funky Monkeys! Keep up the great work.

  2. Thanks for sharing how you celebrate PRIDE, Funky Monkeys! I can't wait to see how many of you make it on the wall😆.

  3. I walked past this the other day ... I will come and see it properly on Wednesday ... Keep it up Monkeys
