Thursday, October 20, 2016

Our pollution inquiry

I dug a hole in the ground and then I dug all the dirt out of the hole.
Then I put some food scraps in the hole to see what happens to them in 8 weeks.  Next I put the dirt and the grass back into the hole.  Tinalya

After finish lunchtime I buried  food scarps into the ground.  It was fun when i put food scarps into the hole.   We buried it at the back of the school.  we buried the food scarps, because we are going to see what happens to the fruit.   First mr Savage dug some dirt up to bury the food scarps, next i dug some more dirt out of the ground so its deep enough to  bury the scarps.  Then I put the food scraps back in the hole.  Next I stood on the dirt to straighten it.   I put some stones on top of it so I don't forget where I buried it. Janaiah

I dug a hole and I put the plastic rubbish in the hole.   Then we got to grab a chromebook and we went to the staffroom to write this bog.  Eric

I buried the paper rubbish in the ground.  I buried the paper behind the green container in our school.
I put the rubbish in the hole.   We put the dirt back on.  We stood on it to make the grass go flat. Justis

1 comment:

  1. Looking forward to seeing what will happen when you dig it up "Funky Monkeys" 🐵
